
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fighting cancer - with sewing

I've only just heard that sewing is therapy. . and it's so true.

I really do love sewing, quilting, crafting.

Having a community is so healing.

I not only have my online community (I love you people)
I also have real life friends in my community.

My non-quilting/sewing friends always throw at me some interesting challenges.

Cancer sucks - sewing edition

One of which is a local friend that her boyfriend has cancer.
He's fantastic and rallying like a rock star!

She asked me to alter some undergarments.
Well learning abound!
Alterations complete ~ wash away foundation paper to be able to make buttonholes in knit
I had to figure out how to sew buttonholes in knit fabric. . wow!

Now instead of fighting to put these on, one side will be open.  And closed with a soft cloth.

It was simple enough with my fancy Pfaff performance 2058 that makes a one step buttonhole.  You just get the feet, position and push go.  Once I figured it all out it was seriously too easy.

I used the wash away foundation paper which totally works like a charm.
It's fun to make a mess even as an adult
Although there is a bit of a mess afterwards.  
It's all for a good cause.

Gotta love making a mess as an adult.


  1. I had never thought of using wash away stabilizer when making buttonholes. It's great that you were able to help your friend.

  2. so nice that you could help out, best of luck to him

  3. So very nice of you to take the time to help out a friend, you are a rock star too!

  4. You're amazing to be helping your friend out like that!

  5. That is wonderful and I know it does feel wonderful to help someone.

  6. Well I'd never have thought of that, what a great idea!


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