
Monday, February 14, 2011

Stalking the postmaster for my winnings

Dealing with minor health things getting back HOURS a day of my life leaves room for a lot of creativity.  I've converted an entire room into my craft room.  I've started this blog and have many WIP's of fabric and yarn.  Oh it feels good.

And then life starts again my family gets sick, although I don't. I am dragging the entire week because my body is healthy enough to apparently fight this itself.  And then BAM, I'm sick.  I'm so sick.  Sleeping 40 of the last 48 hours. 

The best thing about my weekend is receiving my winnings.   I've been stalking the postmaster the entire week.  Making my fella crazy to ask if I have a package in the mail.  Finally the nagging stops.

I won this yummy pattern from Kelly at I have a Notion. My name can be seen in lights HERE
I also won scraps of sherbet pips *weeeeeee* from Traci at Real Photography. My name can be seen in lights HERE

So as a note here.  .remember to have a reply blogger so you can catch your winnings.  Kelly was kind enough try try again.

I don't normally go this goo goo ga ga over things but look at Sherbert Pips!  

 The cutest girls . .ever!
And seriously I don't even like dogs. BUT look!

I love winning.

Thanks again ladies. .I so appreciate these and will be in future blog posts.


  1. I love your blog. I have gotten a little into quilting. I am working on one for my parents' anniversary this year. and by "I am working on" I mean I bought the material and it is sitting in a bag. sigh. I have always wanted to knit. but alas, no time for learning new things right now. I should probably come see you sometime. You are only an hour away. Prisca Bretta (do you see what my initials are? You totally foresaw it)

  2. I know how you feel! I recently won some fabric and I felt like I won the Super Bowl! But Sherbet Pips?????? That is like winning the freaking lottery! I am so mad for that fabric, I can't stand it! Congrats!! :)


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