
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

I have to say, the blogging world is amazing.  I have been given a Stylish Blogger Award by Lindsey over at LRStiched.  You really need to go and visit her and see all of her amazing work.  {she's having a lovely giveaway right now too}

I'm super lucky to be in two on-line flickr bees with this lovely lady.  Thank you so much for this award.  So on with the fun.

There are rules to follow, so here goes:

• Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
• Share 7 things about yourself
• Award some recently discovered great bloggers
• Contact the bloggers and tell them about the award.

I nominate these great gals:
  • Fake It While You Make It  - Carolyn is amazing.  Can you not tell by her blog title. . oh it just goes on from there. I'm always inspired to sew something besides quilts because of her uber talents. 
  • Why Not Sew? - Erin is in one of the newest bee's I've joined.  We are in the Aqua and Red Bee  So not only is here color choices in the bee great, but her blog is to go ga ga over. Oh and I'll be making her Film Strip Quilt for my fella sometime soon.  I know he'll love it.
  • domestiCass - Cassey is also in an on-line bee with me. We are in the Aqua and Orange Quilting Bee  She's super talented.  I so can't wait to see what she comes up for her month in this bee - soon!
  • Issabella the Cat - a new blogger but some adorable quilting blocks!  I can't wait to see what else comes from across the ocean.
  • Me. . . and the Shedders - Holly is a real friend of mine.  She's taken some amazing photos that maybe on a pattern soon.  Go check out her grand site.
  • Sharing Jovanna Moments - Jovanna is my bestie.  She comes over often and we have been recently quilting making some quilts that are great. 

Things about me:
  • I should be preparing a lot more for a class that I'm teaching this quarter.  I'm more interested in sewing, quilting, and blogging. 
  • I am a new fabric-holic.  If you read any of my Sunday Stash reports you can see this.  I am a "new" quilter and joined into the on-line flicker bee world.  These are now only excuses to buy all the pretties. 
  • Jovanna lives an hour away.  She helped nudge me into quilting.  Although she hates the colors I use, she still loves me. And we really enjoy quilting weekends where we hit up quilting stores even with our tastes being 180 degrees from one another and sew and talk and enjoy what this hobby is all about. 
  • I love music.  I've loved music since I was a wee child {love you mommy!}.  I love almost everything.  Excluding R&B {my sister LOVES this stuff, so naturally I wouldn't} and new Country.  Although I own cowboy boots and live in a cowboy town. . I am NOT one a cowgirl.
  • I've held my current position for about four years.  I'm thinking it's time for a change.  I have only kept the same job for 5 years. . I'm not sure if this is healthy or not. 
  • I'm attempting to garden again this year, I'm slightly terrified of the amount of work this takes.  I've had such a hard time keeping things alive before harvest.  But it's another year and another attempt at this whole homebody thing.
  • I am wooed by British and Canadian humor. I love that I'm able to watch some shows through netflix.  I'm also in contact with my childhood pen pal I had who still lives in Canada. . thank you social networking sites!


    1. Thanks so much for the shout out!!
      I heart Canadian humor too!

    2. Oh thank you so much for nominating my little blog!

      I am sooo with you on the gardening, we seem to have an annual massacre of plants. I get excited "It's spring!" says my brain, buy plants, plant said plants....then they die!

    3. Ha ha ha ha! Every artist is different! I noticed that stores are no longer carrying metallics anymore. Oh the sadness!


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