
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mug Rug - check. My first handmade item swap - check

SewHappyGeekMug Rugs. . such wonderful projects.  They are small and take less time. . right .. nooooooo.  I signed up for Sew Happy Geek's Mug Rug Swap v.2 way back when.  I was so lucky to get a wonderful partner that loves everything.  So the world is wide open.  :)  Easy right?

All that runs through my head is an episode of the show Radio Lab called Choices. How am I ever to choose what to do?  I needed something simple, fun, but something that my partner may love.  Here's what I came up with.

Mug Rug v2 8.2011

A wonky star because it's all the rage.  I added the border down the right side because I HATE wasting fabric.  Look it totally matches.  :)

The quilting was a new experiment for me.  This totally adds to the effect of a quilt or a mug rug.  This is yet another reason why I haven't finished many quilts.  It's the commitment of it all.  I didn't feel comfortable using a colored thread and I couldn't bring myself to handstiching. . so I tried this.

Mug Rug Back

The back are the cute cups I purchased for something just like this.  I have more of this and other 'coffee' stuff just waiting for mug rugs!

Mug Rug binding

The binding is something else.  I used Very Kerry Berry's Single Binding Tutorial .  And look it totally worked.  Not only did it work but I HANDSTITCHED the binding on. . eep! I'm a rockstar!

I know that it's not perfect but it's so perfect to me and I hope my partner adores it too.  For being my first mug rug ever  - I'm proud!


  1. Good for you! I haven't made a mug rug yet, but would be so happy to create one this vibrant!

  2. That is a pretty fabulous mug rug. (I haven't made one yet...but it may be on the list for the Solids swap.) I have to say, I think I like a partner who likes everything more than one that doesn't talk. (I fret even more that they won't like what I make.) Did you use a walking foot?

  3. I'm in awe that you hand stitched the binding! Go Team You!

  4. So stinkin' cute :)!! I am sure she'll love it!

  5. what exactly is a mug rug? does it have specific dimensions etc.? I think yours is beeeeautiful!


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