
Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm a stalker uhh I mean swapper

Sign up's are now open for a new swap.  Jenna over at Sew Happy Geek is hosting another fan-tab-ulous event.

This time there are secret swap partners for a small table runner or wall hanging.  I'm in total awe of some of talent out there. So I'm throwing my hat in the ring and gonna ride the bull.  Both those metaphors work - right?

So go . . sign up!  Click HERE to see the super simple sign-up page, rules, and such.  There's also a flickr group once you sign up to stalk your partner.
You have until September 30th.

I'm choosing the same colors for my 4x5 bee {note to self - SEW baby SEW}
I'm gonna have a sweet Aqua, Green, and Grey something hanging on my wall by the end of November.  It's gonna be super nice as I have a lot of traveling ahead of me for my job.  Le'sigh

I'm dreaming of something with colors like this

Alice ~ Quilt
Alice ~ Quilt, a photo by  Red Pepper Quilts on Flickr

How simple and lovely. 

Or something like this
4x5 Bee Block Trial - Hive 11

4x5 Bee Block Trial - Hive 11  a photo by laineybugdesigns on Flickr

Eeep .. here I go off the deep end!

I'm off to my first quilting class . . YIPPEE!

1 comment:

  1. What's weird is one of the chicks in the 4x3 bee or whatever it is chose that quilt in her inspiration mosaic as well!
    I can wait to start designing a table runner! Was thinking I'd use a charm pack...the LQS has Sophie in stock...yum.


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