
Monday, October 3, 2011

Join in the fun

It's happening again. 

Interested in sewing for other's from your own stash?  The bonus is that you get blocks in return. 

4x5 modern Quilt Bee BadgeYou make up one block idea and sew that for 5 other lovely bee-mates. 

The best part. . it's a quarterly bee.  Don't bother with those pesky monthy deadlines. You get to choose what quarter you'll participate in.

Quarter 4 sign-up's happening right NOW.  If you sign up, and get through the interview process, the blocks are due January 15.  There are still spots open! 

Oh by the way - I'm a caretaker for this next Quarter. . whoop!

I'm not done with my current partners blocks but here's the block design I came up. And 2 of my 5 blocks I whipped right up. 

4x5 2011 Q3
4x5 2011 Q3

Is it bad that I'm in love ♥ with my own block design?

From Don't Call Me Betsy:
"To be a part of the bee, you must be an active Flickr user with a history of successful swaps as well evidence in your photostream of modern blocks made with modern fabrics.  The group will close at 96 members, who will be placed into 16 different small groups or beehives.  Each bee participant will be responsible for making 12.5" blocks from their stash for the five other members of their beehive, and in return will receive 5 modern blocks in the colors of their choosing.

Sound like something you're interested in?  Hop over to the Flickr group to learn more and request to join the group!"

Looks like sign-up's will close on October 7th.

Sew Happy Geek


  1. I love your block design, too! The orange one is my favorite. :)

  2. So what makes a block "modern"???? What makes the fabric modern? That it was bought this year??? ha ha!!!

  3. Oh, by the way, I love your blocks! It reminds me a little of the cobblestone block. Great idea for color themed projects for sure!

  4. I LOVE YOUR BLOCKS!!!! One day...sigh!

  5. oh boy i love the orange block, like the blue/green too but the orange one is gorgeous!

  6. I'm signing up! Make sure you let me in - I love your blocks for this group, feel free to just whip one up for me as a welcome gift!
    (Jovanna you are funny!)

  7. Thanks for posting about the 4x5 - you rock!


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