
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sewing for myself

I caught up for the immediate bee blocks that were due last year.  So happy to be caught up! 

I actually got to sew for myself a bit.  I finally finished my own block from the 4x5 Modern Bee 2011 Quarter 3.  Yep I was lacking on things for me.  I do this a bit too often.  
4x5 2011 Q3

I'm pulling fabric for the 4x5 Modern Bee 2011 Quarter 4 blocks that are due January 15. 

If you are interested in this 4x5 Modern Bee go check out the flickr site, there is 2012 Quarter 1 Sign-up's going until 1.7.12

I'm pulling out of this bee myself.  I need to find a more positive atmosphere.  I think I'm extra sensitive at the moment as I have a 12-year old step-daughter in the house.  It's a roller-coaster people!


So I wanted to rant a smidge and maybe some of you would have some enlightening words.  I love being able to follow my favorite blogs. I, currently, use Google Friend Connect along with Google Reader.  I've been having issues with these. When I become a follower of a new blog, it doesn't take.  And not only does it not make me a follower but then it's not added into my Google Reader.

I'm apparently a flake.  If I don't see them in Google Reader I don't remember to go visit their site. I'm missing out on some of my potentially favorite bloggers. 

My remedy is that I've just started adding my new peeps on to both sites. It's time consuming but I HOPE that it takes.

So a call out. . does anyone have any helpful suggestions?  Is there a better "reader" out there.

Thanks ♥  in advanced!


  1. Huh. I haven't had that issue with Google Reader. When you use Google Follower do the blogs show up on your Blogger dashboard? Not that I use that for actually reading blogs, I'm just curious if that's being affected as well.
    P.S. I adore that block!

  2. Firstly, I love your block! I'm glad you found a minute to sew for yourself. I'm also sorry about the bee environment....not sure I want to go there.

    I don't know what i use to read blogs...I just open my blog, go to the dashboard and read through the list...clicking the ones that appeal to me that day. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful.

    I hope you have a nice week's end! =) Happy New Year!

  3. I don't know what's up with Google Reader, I've had the same thing happen - or posts appear that are days old. Silly technology!!
    That is a gorgeous block :)
    Hope 2012 will be the year for YOU :)

  4. I've been having this same issue with google reader! It was making me nuts!! I just cleared my browser cache (including passwords, cookies, etc) this morning and it's working again. In fact, blogs that I had added a while ago that weren't showing are finally showing now!!! It was like magic LOL!!

  5. Cool, love the effect of the whites and colours in that block.

    I'm having the same rant right now about Blogger though, it's infuriating, isn't it? There's a limit to how many blogs you can follow (300), and I know at one point I must have breached that, so I did a serious clear out. Except some WON'T delete, and I don't want to see them, and there's a small handful of others that won't stick - argh! I've been trying, without success, to find a solution to this. At first they seemed not to stick on the IE6 browser at work, but were showing up on Chrome at home, but now, since Christmas, they're falling off my Chrome list too. I intend to hunt on Blogger's help pages tonight to try and work it out.

  6. I didn't know there was a limit to the amount you could follow ...mine shows 323 at the moment, but I can't delete any either, and I sometimes get batches of posts from one blog going back two months!! It's a real pain. Linda

  7. Good for you for finally sewing for yourself! You deserve it!

  8. Well, I seem to keep the blogs in google reader but I have trouble keeping up and so am just reading this. I am so sorry to hear that your hive was not positive in the 4 x 5 as both of mine have been. I hope that things with the daughter even out, teenagers are challenging at the best of times.


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