
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mute Mouse

I've lost something but not sure where to find it again.

I realize I've been mute and haven't even answered comments from some of you lovely people from my last few blog posts.  I'm sure I'll be back again with joy - but not sure when.

I have been enjoying the moments I get to sew!

I've finished all but one of my February commitments - whoo hooo!

I haven't taken photos of them all but here are the last few that I haven't blogged about.

The lovely Queen Bee heidigoneaussie (she blogs here) provided the greatest scraps. 

Aqua and Orange  - Feb Block 1 
I wanted to keep these for myself. . but I made these instead.

Aqua and Orange -- Feb Block 2
I even sent them to her. . pfft.

Aqua and Orange -- Feb Block 2 Detail
I had to include this cute mer-girl in here.  There wasn't a ton I could do with the cut of fabric so I improvised.

The second lovely Queen Bee, guiltyquilter,  asked for a flying geese.  I made her a block in the first round of this bee back in August blogged about here

 Red and Aqua - Feb

This time round I used starch and these points are sharp baby sharp.

Hope everyone is grand.  Rest assured I'll be back, but it may take me a bit to get out of my funk.  Keep up with what I'm doing over at my flickr account. Or find a group of us that talk over on twitter.


  1. Those blue and orange blocks are GORGEOUS!
    And take whatever blogging break you need...we'll always be here when you feel like chatting again :)

  2. Love all those blocks! Fret not about the replying, we'll still keep visiting... maybe... ;o)

  3. These are cute! Love the star ones!

  4. Looks great! Hope you get your energy back soon!

  5. love those star blocks. I hope you start feeling like your old self soon.

  6. Hugs girl! Hope you get your mojo back soon.

  7. Grab a glass of wine and chill out lady, I'll still be haunting your blog even if you never reply to my comments again-your blocks are just to darn cute to ignore :P

  8. I love your spider web blocks! And I totally understand about the quiet. I sat down an hour ago to reply to blog comments and instead did a redesign!

  9. Your blocks look AMAZING! What lucky bee mate you have. Silence can be golden at times, so don't worry - we all know life happens!

  10. Your blocks are amazing. I am new to your blog and have spent some time browsing through your earlier posts. I'm so glad I did that. You've created a great spot to visit and I'll be back. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary


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