
Friday, May 4, 2012

Finished Auction Quilt

I walked myself right into making a quilt for a girlfriend.  I love how my friends believe in me. 

She commissioned a quilt from me to be completed within a month and a half. Totally do-able. . right?!

Right!  With the help of having a deadline and my wonderful fella, my project was completed in time!

My girlfriend is a teacher at a private high school Columbia Adventist Academy (CAA). 
The class colors are red and black.
This year they have 20 seniors.

Perfect combo for a signature quilt!  I had each senior write with permanent pen on grey fabric I provided.  Some seniors included a lot and other's were sweet and simple. 

While piecing this quilt top together I listen to podcasts, really catching up on them. It was hilarious that I was listening to the History Quilter's HQ Podcast Episode 21 Signature Quilts while finishing up the quilt-top.  Makes me ponder where this quilt will end up.

CAA 2012 Quilt Front 
CAA 2012 Auction Quilt
Completed April 2012

CAA 2012 Quilt Back
The back was pieced from leftover yardage and a yummy addition of the grey dot fabric. 

The back didn't even up wonky - I'm so impressed.  

I included a pieced in label using the same pen as the kids used for the front.  With my details included.
CAA 2012 Quilt Back Signature Block

This has been washed.  The colors and permanent pen is awesome. I love how we don't have to worry about fabrics bleeding (although I did use a color catcher in the wash). I'm not a fan of black in big blocks like in the back, since I did take awhile to de-lint before handing this over.

A huge thank you to my girlfriends who shared in the joy of this quilt.  I super appreciate them ooohhhing and awwwwing over this finished project.  And help with the photo shoot so I could share it here. ♥
I love my first 2012 finish.  And this completion reminds me it's the entire process is not so bad!

On-ward and up-ward!


  1. Yay for commission deadlines helping us along! It looks great , hope it raises lots of money :o)

  2. It looks great! I love the blocks a little tilty.

  3. Get were listening to my podcast Signature Quilts podcast while working on this quilt? 2x? LOL Cannot tell you enough how reading this has just turned my whole morning around - seriously. Wonderful job on the quilt - it looks amazing! Major congratulations to you on your finish...have you found out anything about where it landed/how much it made?

  4. It`s awesome and love your fabrics choice!

  5. I am getting ready to start a signature quilt also. What pen did you use?

    1. I bought 2 pens called Tee Juice. The points came back to me fairly dull and one pen was almost our of juice. I was able to use them on the back signature block.

  6. Great finish! Love the back of the quilt.

  7. I've missed so much the last 2 weeks! I love your auction quilt - beautiful!


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