
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How can quilt blocks do that?

There are moments when everything about a person in my life comes flooding back.

I made these beauties for the lovely jigs1354 in the {Sew Bee It} group.
{Sew Bee It} - June '12

How can these blocks bring up so much?

I've said a few times before that my grandmama has been a huge inspiration for me during my quilting adventure. I went to college where I could visit my grandparents during holidays. It was kinda making up for the years that we lived too far away from one another when I was growing up. And all the things I've learned from my grandmama and my grandpapa is unbelievable.

They bought a farm after "retirement" and I never worked two people work so hard. Irrigation, farming caring for animals, crafts galore, welding, and many other things. These two people have worked way harder in retirement life than I ever have just making a go. 

In college finally lived close enough so I could go visit these two wonderful people during holidays. When I did visit, I was put to work. I actually loved this and I think both grandparents knew it!  I could finally put in a fraction of the effort that they put into their everyday.

I would go between the shop with grandpapa and in the house with grandmama with whatever fabric project she had going on.

In the shop, I assisted Grandpapa with his calendar frames assembly that he sold at a local shop.  These were beauties!  I was not allowed to use all the tools but he taught me how to use a few of them.  Over the years I might have helped put together 30 + frames. Yet my wonderful grandpapa made at least 20 times as many from start to finish. Oak & pine frames in a variety of stain colors and waxed finishes.

In the house, I helped grandmama with her fabric projects that she sold to the same local shop.  Now let me just say that I came by the fabric stashing legitimately people!  When I was in college, grandmama was past the quilt making business, dolls + clothes, and I think the stuffed bears in appliqued clothing. At that point in time grandmama made appliquéd sweatshirts.  These beauties were intricate! I traced, ironed, cut, and re-ironed pieces for HOURS!  And again the hours I put in was nothing compared to the many hours she put into these before shipping them off to sell.

I have to admit, slowly, that I've learned so much from my family and that YES I can do anything.  I've had the basic training to do pretty much anything. And the stubbornness that if I don't know something . . . to learn it to keep moving forward.

So, how again can a simple block bring back so much? My grandmama made me a lap quilt when I was around 10 years old . . . one of the few items I have to remember her by. This poor lap quilt is tattered from the years of love but still sits in my closet. It also is a log cabin pattern. One of these day's I'll re-create it.

  I hope these blocks will one day create many other lasting memories as they have stirred-up in me while making them. ♥


  1. Lucky to be from a long line of quilters here too, although I only have 1 or 2 quilts from my mom, and none from my grandma. You're so lucky to have that! Very nice blocks!!

  2. Aww, what lovely memories for those blocks to bring back :o)

  3. Beautiful post my dear. I love hearing about your grandmama and grandpapa.


  4. Getting to learn just a little bit more about you by reading this has been a wonderful gift. I hope that one day you will re-create that log cabin quilt so that we can all see it and share in your memories. Hugs


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