Saturday, April 27, 2013

Spring Sewing

It's the time of year for quilt shows and art exhibits. 

This is the first year that I've felt as if I am experienced enough to submit anything. . and here I am empty handed as all the items I make and finish go out the door. 

I'm not complaining at ALL!  I find it hilarious to me that now that I'm finishing things (partly because of Melissa and our fantastic group of #ALYoF peeps) none of them stay with me. 

I feel a little like my grandmama. 
She was crazy talented but she always had a line of people looking for her items. It's all love.

Since December I have been talking about making a purse for my sister-in-law.  I have had the material cut out since February but it just takes me awhile to find a block of time to "want" to work on a project like this. I rather sew HST's or make quick blocks for a random project. 

Go Go anywhere bag <3

I finally stitched this up when my fella was doing his coupon shopping {it takes hours}.

Do you see what I {eventually } saw? I stitched the handles on WRONG!  Doh. I chose to cut them and put in a bit of the taupe as an accent piece instead of turning the entire thing inside out again

I call it improvising instead of pure laziness!

I am in love with the Go Anywhere Bag by Noodlehead

I gave this to the SIL before more photos were taken.  She said she loved it. . this is a much better size than the 241 tote in my opinion. I'll be making more for sure.

What are you all working on this weekend?

I'm thinking of doing some items that are on deadline but also thinking of just baking instead.♥

Remember that the April Finishes party is going on now til April 30.


A whole new month of goals will be starting May 1.
As of right now, I'm at a loss of what I should put on my get-it-done list.
Okay I have a few ideas.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April: A Lovely Year of Finishes ~ Finishes Party

Whoop I finished my goal. . . and a few more items as well!
How fun to ride the momentum once you get going.

Have questions regarding #ALYoF click HERE

For April I choose a simple project.

Here's my finished Inside Out quilt for an east coast friends having their first baby.
It's nice they are Seattle Seahawk fans ...

inside out front

and I happen to have those colors in my stash.

inside out back

Quilt Stats:
Name: Seahawk Inside Out
Size: approx. 36" x 42"
Fabrics:  Stash fabrics + Tula Pink, Lisette, and others
Binding: Lisette + grey 
Pattern:  Inside Out by Cluck Cluck Sew
Quilting: stipple quilting by me on my Bernina 1008
Started : March 2013
Completed: April 2013 


Now it's your turn!
Please link up your finished it project below. 

Oh and grab a button for your blog post
A Lovely Year of Finishes
<a href="" title="A Lovely Year of Finishes"> <img src="" width="180" height="180" alt="A Lovely Year of Finishes" style="border:none;" /></a>

No worries if you aren't a blogger, you can link up your finished project from a photo you've added to our  flickr group.

Melissa and I are excited to host this monthly link with tons of prizes!

To be eligible for April prizes:
1. you must have entered into the goal setting party.
2. you must enter below {we don't roll over any finishes from mid-month check-in}

**Please note, this is the same linky on both Melissa's blog and here, so no need to enter twice ***

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
And let's not forget there are PRIZES from our amazing sponsors:

April Prizes Include:

1. A Craftsy Class (winners choice of class)

I heart Craftsy!

2. $15.00 Gift Certificate to Fat Quarter Shop

3. Choice of $15 or 2 charm packs from Stitch n’ Giggles

4. A Paper Piecing Kit donated from Paper Pieces

5, 6, 7 Will get one thread pack of Auriful Thread donated from Aurifil

8. $20.00 Gift Certificate from the Quilting Lodge

9. $10.00 Gift Certificate from Contemporary Cloth

9 winners will be chosen by Mr. Random for those that post here and the wrap-up linky.

Happy Spring!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Slowly falling behind

Small things really.

It takes a few colds to run through my house.

A few hick-ups with the teenager.
{I should expect this but it still is something I'm learning through}

Lots of travel for work.

The small thing of Google Reader dying.
I'm personally stuck and feel like flinging myself on the ground and throwing a major tantrum   If only those Google overlords {term borrowed from Sew Happy Geek} would NOT take away a service I so faithfully and lovingly used.

The spring cleaning bug hitting both my fella and I.
Like moving my entire fabric stash to one area.

Moving my entire fabric stash to one location #toomuchwork #ratherbequilting

I really has all been a test of perseverance.

All of these things has thrown me off the blogging horse.

Thankfully I have been sewing a bit.

MSM3 - now what kind of quilting

I've found it's been a bit difficult to say within the positive.
And ohhh life is good!
So I'm choosing to keep it that way.

I just  mailed off  the March #ALYoF winnings that some of our fantastic sponsors sent directly to me.

I  have a giveaway that I have in the works, maybe that will match up with the Sew Mama Sew May giveaway day

I'm still posting to my Facebook page
I've claimed my blog over at bloglovin'

I'm still here. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

April A Lolvely Year of Finishes ~ mid-month check-in linky party

A few people have been chiming in over on the  flickr group about their April projects.

I'm so on top of the game, I'm already done with my project, but I'll wait to share it with you for the final link up.  That means I have more time!
Nooooo . . .  my entire stash is moving to one location - sigh.
This means I have a lot of work in front of me.
The end result will fantastic!

This mid-month linky will be open for 7 days.

Melissa and I would love to see how you're all doing.
And this is not mandatory linky just a fun encouragement along the way!

Melissa & I share the same linky, as she's awesome & shares with me.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
And remember to visit some of these lovely people and grab a button for your blog posts.

A Lovely Year of Finishes
<a href="" title="A Lovely Year of Finishes"> <img src="" width="180" height="180" alt="A Lovely Year of Finishes" style="border:none;" /></a>

You can do it!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

March Winners ~ A Lovely Year of Finishes

Congratulations to all 124 people who finished their projects last month.  You all are so inspiring and are adding to my ever growing list of what to make ... one day!

It's time to announce our winners from last month.  
Many thanks goes to our sponsors!  
Go show them love when you have a moment.

Here are the March winners:

1. A Fat Quarter Bundle from Moda United Notions

March ALYoF Moda Bundle
It's called Lario by 3 Sisters

The winner is Katy (LethargicLass)

2. Choice of $15 or 2 charm packs from Stitch n’ Giggles

The winner is Ella 

3. All Dolled Up from Paper Pieces

The winner is Sophie 

4. $20.00 Gift Certificate from the Quilting Lodge

The winner is Dorian

5. $15.00 Gift Certificate from Contemporary Cloth

The winner is Alison

6, 7, & 8 Will get one thread pack of Auriful Thread donated from Aurifil

Here's a photo of the 3 random thread packages
March ALYoF Aurifil winnings

The winners are:
Carol E

The 8 winners have been emailed and packages going out soon.

Remember the April party  is open til the 7th midnight PST.

Monday, April 1, 2013

April: A Lovely Year of Finishes ~ Goal Setting Party

Happy Spring. . and happy April!

It's time to think about another month of 'A Lovely Year of Finishes'
One month, one project, one finish for 12-months. 2013 a year of lovely finishes.

Do you need a primer of what 'A Lovely Year of Finishes' actually is?
and my awesome partner on this project
Melissa of Sew Bittersweet Designs has a reference page found here.


My April #ALYoF project is finishing up this baby quilt for a baby boy on the east coast.

The step-daughter comes home with pink hair and this is what gets made. #quiltingkeepsmesane

Should be easy as it's zipped together, spray based, and now 1/2 way machine quilted as of 9:30 p.m. March 31.

It's going to be awesome to have a finish and so early!

What do you have planned for your lovely April finish?
Remember you get to choose what you consider a project and a finish. This is all about you and not as we can easly do complare ourselves to others.
Add your blog post or flickr photo (with appropriate descriptions) to the linky party below.  Make sure you also link back here so other people can join in the fun!

**Please note, the linky party is the same here and over at Melissa, so there is no need to enter twice **

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

For those unsure of how to link up go check out our Q&A Page for A Lovely Year of Finishes - there are instructions on how to link up from a blog and from Flickr.

Grab a button!  Spread the LOVE

A Lovely Year of Finishes
<a href="" title="A Lovely Year of Finishes"> <img src="" width="180" height="180" alt="A Lovely Year of Finishes" style="border:none;" /></a>

And let's not forget the awesome prizes from our fantastic sponsors:

April Prizes Include:

1. A Craftsy Class (winners choice of class)

I heart Craftsy!

2. $15.00 Gift Certificate to Fat Quarter Shop

3. Choice of $15 or 2 charm packs from Stitch n’ Giggles

4. A Paper Piecing Kit donated from Paper Pieces

5, 6, 7 Will get one thread pack of Auriful Thread donated from Aurifil

8. $20.00 Gift Certificate from the Quilting Lodge

9. $10.00 Gift Certificate from Contemporary Cloth

9 winners will be chosen by Mr. Random for those that post here and the wrap-up linky at the end of the month with a completed finish.

Happy Spring!