
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Totes all around - Sew Sew Modern 4

I love being parts of swaps.

I couldn't resist #supertotebag @noodlehead531 actually reading the pattern before startingThis time round I finally jumped into Sew Sew Modern 4.

I love my noodlehead Super Tote and why not make a few more!

So I made my partner a tote from this awesome pattern. I'm thinking this is my 2nd time round.

Say you hate I can keep it #ssm4 #sewsewmodern

This is one of the outside pockets.  Seriously a 12" block works really well for these!  WHOOP!

Making circles

I nearly botched this by cutting the pattern pieces before quilting.
Quilt then cut!  Learn from me.

Here's the finished

SSM4 package received from Fiber of All Sorts {h2ogirl76}... I love love everything!! Gorgeous Supertote, all the extras! The quilting is fab!! Thank you so much!! xoxo
*Thanks to MLR Designs for letting me use her photo.
I was in a super rush to get this out the door.


Well it was a swap.  And here's what I got in return.

I was so uber lucky to have a fantastic partner Purple Panda Quilts

I adore Lyanna and she just blew my mind!

Such great details on this beauty.

The recessed zipper, which I have yet to attempt;
piping, which I've yet to attempt on this bag;
QAYG pockets ..& TWO perfect pockets I might add!

Spoiled by my #ssm4 partner @purplepandaquilts. So me!
Her bag is sturdy for sure.  I love it and it's wearing perfectly.

There is some curry lining, Joel Dewberry, Tula Pink, AND some Denyse Schmidt.
And oh and yes I got some of the scraps too.

She pretty much knew me inside and out. She's a fantastic stalker down to the lip balm.

I'm gleefully sporting this beauty all round with me now!!

Here is her post on the bag.

Thank you again sweetie.


The other awesome part is that this was part of my FAL Q1 goal.

Finish Along 2014



  1. Yay goals! Love the moped/bike centres :o) Believe it or not I had a lightbulb moment about how to get QAYG bags with less bulky seams while sitting through my Commonwealth Games orientation this afternoon lol

  2. How funny, you made one and received! Love that, as we are always making something for others that we really want for ourselves! I have my one Supertote, which was the first one I made, and it has all my mistakes lalalalala. The ones I sent out have all the awesomeness. Maybe I'll make another when I have some me sewing time.

  3. Two beautiful totes and accessories! Looks like you both had fun with it.


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