
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Feeling left behind . . . but not forgotten

I know that some of my bee-mates are feeling neglected. But there is a way that I make my bee blocks - with love! I don't sit down and just trudge through.  This is an act of time and care, for me.

I finally sat down and finished a few blocks for the April bee-mates.

Templates from the talented Anna 

These blocks are for Sarah over at Bluprint Textiles.  

Bee a Lone Star(burst) - April '12 

She sent us the awesome background print.

Bee a Lone Star(burst) - April '12 

I'm loving this bee and seeing how everyone is using the same template but coming up with such different blocks, even in the same color pallets.

I was also late getting blocks to one of my favorite bee-mates Mary
Garden Lattice - {Sew Bee It} April '12

I stitched up some garden lattice blocks, and used Mary's blog post to make sure I was stitching everything right.  Thank you for photos - these totally helped me out.


With my new tires my budget is kinda beating me down the next few months. I immediately told everyone what was happening.  And the response was beautiful!  I don't want own anyone else's stuff but there is something to be said about communication.  And in my case it helped me feel better about a situation that I had little control over. I am learning from this mistake and trying new budget tactic.

If anyone is not in an on-line quilting bee and are interested in them, there is a lovely recent post about them found here.  I've learned so much about sewing and interactions.  Of course a bit more than I anticipated.

I'll post again soon about the May bee blocks that I have them all done and ready to walk out the door! 


  1. Love the blocks :o)

    As for the budget, I so know all about that, and I've just remortgaged my flat to pay off all the credit card bills I ran up while paying off all my student loans etc. I actually CAN budget now, but it's no fun when you can't (((((HUGS)))))

  2. Your blocks are fabuloous.Great job.!!

  3. Fabulous job on the blocks. Budgeting sucks, doesn't it? It's requires constant tweaking to find the right balance. I'm not very good at it, but I keep plugging along. Have you tried I've found it to be a really terrific tool. Good luck!

  4. Your blocks are always so beautiful! I am heading over to read that post now. I am in 2 bees right now, one is on hiatus until fall.


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