
Thursday, May 24, 2012

May's supposed to be all about flowers

Recently it's been all about the rain!  It's so strange that the weather has been cooler and much more rain than I remember.

So besides the literal rain it's raining a bit in my life too.  Good and not so good. This spring season this year I've done a LOT and I'm super tired!

  • I planted a garden & saved it from 2 frost warning nights.
  • I've helped my step-daughter with end of the year activities including a dance and outdoor school which is basically camping for 4 days and 3 nights.
  • Besides that other life stuff, I've had to scramble because the car needed some TLC.  This car stuff came in the form of HUNDREDS of dollars that I didn't have in the budget until the beginning of August.  Lalalala  
But it being my birthday it's all about the good things! 

I have new tires!  Ohhhhh!

I have my awesome family! ♥ Lots of love from everyone on facebook and friends but my sister and  mother spoiled me this year!
These lovely new pinking sheers!

Oh yeah and remember my whining in this post
Yeah, I wanted a blanket stitch  . . .

Oh Brother I

I can do that PLUS more!  A new sewing machine is so much fun.  It's a computerized Brother.  Right know it's name is "Ohhh brother" - since I only have a sister.

Can I just say this is the LIGHTEST machine ever! I'll gladly take this along with me on my trips - anywhere!  I may become the traveling seamstress!

I spent over an hour reading the manual, setting this beauty up, and sewing up a few pieces.  This is going to be a beautiful relationship.  Some of the perks I know so far: automatic back stitch, up/down button for the needle, speed control, a buttonhole foot and fancy blah blah, and the BLANKET STITCH

I have a few blocks to share but first I have to go play with my new sewing machine and then I'll have a whole lot more to share.


  1. Sounds like a really fabulous day! Happy Birthday my friend :)

  2. And may all your not so good stuff be accompanied by the good stuff for balance! New sewing machine = rapture.

  3. Happy Belated Birthday - Hope you had a wonderful day! A new sewing machine and pinking shears - wonderful! :)

  4. Yea!!! You're going to get so spoiled with that needle up/down feature! What great birthday goodies! Except for the tires, but hey, DH and I got tires 2 years ago for Christmas (and a few chocolate bars), so I can totally relate...


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