Friday, March 15, 2013

March ALYoF ~ mid-month check-in linky party

Oh March how lovely! At least her in Oregon the sun is shining!

So we're doing a mid-month check-in for A Lovely Year of Finishes.
#ALYoF on twitter and instagram
This is a reminder to keep working towards your goal :)

Ra-ra!  You can do it!  

Even with my busy schedule I'm way closer to my goal than I thought I would be!
Here's a photo of my progress
#ALYoF  now this is progress! Thanks @craftymamad for the help!
{yes I'm lazy and just grabbed my instagram photo}

My partner in crime,  Melissa,  is doing way better on her March #ALYoF goal, go check out her awesomeness here!

This mid-month linky will be open for 7 days.

Melissa and I would love to see how you're all doing.
And this is not mandatory linky just a fun encouragement along the way! And if you go check out this post and Melissa's we share the same linky - we're just sneaky that way.
Oh and remember to go check out the flickr group there are super fun things and TON of photos there too.  

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
And remember to visit some of these lovely people and grab a button for your blog posts.

A Lovely Year of Finishes
<a href="" title="A Lovely Year of Finishes"> <img src="" width="180" height="180" alt="A Lovely Year of Finishes" style="border:none;" /></a>

You can do it!


  1. I am enjoying getting all these things done, thanks to you and A Lovely Year of Finishes!

  2. I'll be posting properly about my first finish tomorrow :o)

  3. Thanks for the mid-month check-in. I have absolutely nothing to show, but your reminder always kicks me in gear to get to work on my project. See you at the end of the month with another finish!


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