Saturday, February 22, 2014

February: A Lovely Year of Finishes - Finishes Party

A Lovely Year of Finishes

How did you do on your ONE goal you set for ALYoF?

Remember to go show your projects over on Twitter or Instagram with the hastag #ALYoF
We have a facebook group
And a flickr page

Can you see why there needs to be two of us to keep up.


If you finished your goal by February 28 at midnight PST
you remembered to Link-up the first 7-days of this month

Add your blog post or flickr photo (with appropriate descriptions) to the linky party below.

Please grab a button or link back to Melissa and I so other people can join in the fun!
See stage left

Remember if you make it easy on us by linking back to your entry # at the beginning of the month, providing a note what ONE project you choose for ALYoF, or even making a single post for us...we can give you prizes even faster.  

**Please note, the linky party is the same here and over at Melissa , so there is no need to enter twice **

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Here's what we have offered from our fantastic sponsors for February prizes:

1. $15.00 Gift Certificate to Fat Quarter Shop

2, 3. TWO winners each getting to choose one pdf pattern
from Sew BitterSweet Designs ($10 value)

4. PDF Pattern from Persimon Dreams

Project QUILTING Season 5

5. Quilting Patterns designed by Quilting Lodge

6. Thread Prize from Aurifil

7. Green Fairy Quilts – 3 pdf patterns

8. Sew Sweetness – 1 pdf Pattern

Sew Sweetness

9. 1 Charm pack or $10.00 gift certificate to


As always.  Let Melissa and I know if you have any questions.


  1. Wow, just linked up and am # 100!!! Holy moly, what a great turn out!
    Thanks for hosting - your ALYOF helps in conquering the UFO's of this world ;-)

  2. oh man... I didn't get my finish post posted to the finishes party last night... Any way I can add it still? I created the post on my blog the 28th but just didn't get it here...

    1. Sorry hon. The libk up is open the last 7 days. Leave the link here. Would love to see it.

  3. Felled by a nasty stomach virus this week (hazard of teaching preschoolers) and I've missed the linky party -- but I DID get my sewing done! Thanks for the challenge. Now I know the bigger challenge for me is getting the sewing done EARLY so I have blogged and am ready to link in the linky party. pondering what to work on in March .... Thanks for the fun!


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