
Saturday, March 15, 2014

March - A Lovely Year of Finishes Participant Highlight - Michelle at Squeek Crafts

Middle of March...can you believe it?

A Lovely Year of Finishes

Melissa and I are so excited to see and share all of your hard work.


We also want to thank our sponsors this month.


This month our participate highlight is the fantastic Michelle!

Michelle from Squeek Crafts
Photos provided Michelle @ Squeek Crafts

Blog name: Factotum of Arts

Name you’re known by throughout quilting world. Michelle @ Squeek Crafts

What's your ALYoF goal this month?
Finish the X & + quilt top


How do you approach your sewing goals?
I have a lot of unfinished projects that I have accumulated in my first year of quilting. So, I have become super organized this year.  This was my plan at the beginning of the year, and each month I adjust as I need to. I use link-ups to keep on track - A lovely year of finishes, Finish along 2014 ( and this month 30 /30 Sewing Challenge (
I am also using these free monthly quilting project sheets from Taryn @ from pixels to patchwork (

How do you organize/prioritize your projects?

I have several project bins with each of my projects materials and patterns etc all contained in that bin.


What is your current favorite project that you are working on? Will you share pictures with us?
My favorite project, at the moment, are my Tapa Star paper piecing pattern which I am making into cushions for my mum.


What is your dream project to work on?

I have two projects that I would put on my dream list - the Amy Butler Weekender bag, like the one Elizabeth Hartman made, and then the Tula Pink Butterfly quilt.

What is your favorite time of day to sew?

I really only get to sew during the weekends, and I love working in the afternoons but would sew all day if I could get the chance.

What is your favorite quilting/sewing accessory?

That is my small seam ripper (or in NZ lingo that would be a Quick’n’Pick)

What is your number one quilting/sewing goal for 2014?

I would like to finish at least 2 quilts per quarter


What is one technique you really want to learn?
I would like to learn how to use design software, so that I can create designs for fabric


Thank you so much Michelle for joining us today!
 Keep up the great work on your one goal for this month - you can do it!
 The finishes link-up starts the last 7 days of the month and will end before the month is over.

1 comment:

  1. great interview, and I already downloaded the project sheets!


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