
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sibling Quilts

I have the most amazing step-father. 

My step-dad won my heart when I was in my 20's
This was NOT easy task

Yep, I was that terrible daughter that made life completely unbearable for any guy that dated my mother.

So with patience my now step-dad won my heart. 
It wasn't that hard actually ... he just didn't fight me.

The funny part now, I now call him for advice of how to deal with my own step-daughter issues ---since he knows how to work it.


When my step-dad asked me to work on some quilts for his youngest daughter's kids, how could I say no?!  My mother, a master fabric purchaser, gave me two layer cakes, batting, and free reign.
{Master fabric purchasing runs in the family}

Here are the quilts I created for siblings.

Quilts on a fence

I actually found the patterns quickly.


The Girl quilt:

Quilt Stats:

Name: Pink on Bento
Size: approx. 48" x 48"
Fabrics: Meadow Friends
Pattern:  Pattern by Megan of Lucy & Norman
Quilting: Long arm rental by me
Started: August 2012
Completed: November 2012

Sad to say, I hated every moment of this one.


I so desperately tried to make this random and in this quilt there are just too many moving parts. And my control freak came out hard.

Yet hating it make it go super quick and I was so excited to have this be my first long-arm quilted projects.  Go me!

FMQ on a long arm - hearts


The Boy Quilt:

Zig Zag Front

Quilt Stats:

Name: A boy with a zig
Size: approx. 54" x 63"
Fabrics: Meadow Friends
Pattern:  Pattern inspired by Mommy by day Crafter by night
Quilting: Long arm rental by me
Started : August 2012 
Completed: January 2013

This one is a zig zag variation.

Super fun!

Ohhh long arm!

I added different long arm pattern in each zig.  It was awesome!

This one hung out for months before I could put on the binding.

This is one reason why I adore ALYoF.

I was forced to finish this.


I sent this to my stepfather's daughter.  I'm not sure if they are used.  But they were made with lots of love.


  1. They are lovely, I am sure they are used. You are a natural on the long arm, aren't they fun! Maybe you will get one too?

  2. Both quilts are stunning. I would never have thought this was your first time using a long arm. The quilting is beautiful and the stitches are so good. I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with "random". It's not always easy to push down that control freak.

  3. These look great! I never would have thought to make a bento out of a layer cake.

  4. Great gifts :o) I'm sure they're in use

  5. The Master Fabric Purchaser purchased perfect layer cakes for boy and girl sibling quilts. I love Meadow Friends. You made great use of these fabrics in your pattern choices and finishing the quilts. May the lucky siblings enjoy their quilts ... :) Pat

  6. How nice to have a master fabric purchaser in the family. You did a good job, I'm sure they are well lived and loved.

  7. I really like both of those quilts. I think chevrons are hot right now, and the large pattern is great.

  8. Why wouldn't they be used, they are fantastic! I have no doubt your brother, sister and father are thrilled.


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