
Monday, March 17, 2014

My Bright Sky quilt top or I'm a pattern tester

I'm on a few pattern testing lists.
I wish I could do more.  Sometimes work is too much or I feel like I'm inching myself into too many quilty commitments again.

But then...sometimes a pattern just calls to you. 

This was the case with Bright Sky by the awesome Alyce from Blossom Heart Quilts.

Here is my sample made up.

Ohhh yeah baby!  

The pattern suggested it's good for big prints, so that's what I did!  I used some precious Prince Charming in the center and then  I used my favorite, at the moment, color pallet.

This pattern is SO great that it gives you enough information to make sure that these large pieces won't be wasted.  The pieces aren't too small and you don't cut off too much either.  It's a just right kinda situation.

For each piece, it reminds you what that block size should be. Which makes for much better piecing.

#bloc_loc work for the points and just extend them with a ruler ♡ perfect flying geese every time.  @blossomheartquilts patterns rock.

I even used my awesome Bloc_loc ruler to make these points perfect..

perfect I tell ya!

I seriously love this Bright Sky pattern.

This creates a 64" x 64" quilt top.
I would guess it took me around 4 hours from start to finish including pressing the fabrics before cutting.

You can go see the other awesome testers (a lot of us actually) on Alyce's post here.

This pattern was awesome when I tested it. Now it's been updated and includes more information..well worth it!

If you're thinking of purchasing this fantastic pattern... this week, read all the way to the end of this post.
Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.

For my quilt top, I'm pretty sure I'll be taking this to a long arm rental.  I'm not sure if I could imagine pushing this through my domestic.  I could but I have some interesting ideas for these larger block areas.


  1. You definitely rocked the big prints in this :o)

  2. Love your fabric choices! How does one get to be a pattern tester?

    1. Great question. I've jumped in when there was a blog, newsletter, or social media call. But for those people I adore...I email them directly.

  3. I love this quilt. So much in fact I went to Blossom Heart Quilts and purchased the pattern. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Wow, what a great quilt and amazing fabric choice. How are you going to quilt it. I wish I can reach into my monitor and steal it. Hee, hee.

  5. Your version is really cool! Really good colour combination. I like being able to see what the same pattern looks like with different hands and imagination working on it!


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