Friday, January 1, 2016

2015: A Lovely Year of Finishes ~ Finale link up

A Lovely Year of Finishes

How did you do in 2015? Were you able to finish at least 6 of the goals that you posted and linked up in 2015? If so you are in luck! You qualify to enter our finale link up party! Melissa and I have some awesome prizes for those that met this goal.
In order to be eligible you must have finished at least 6 goals that you linked to either Melissa or myself during 2015. In you link up post, please include a mosaic of the finished projects and a link to your goal and finish post to each one.
2015 was not a big year of finishes for me. But all awesome things in other ways. Next year is my year. I can't wait to see what happens!

  • You need to have successfully finished at least 6 of the goals you set for yourself in 2015.
  • You need to have linked each goal and each finish to the parties that Melissa and I hosted throughout the year.
  • Make a Mosaic or simply post ONE picture, that we can link to the rest of your finishes. One entry per person.

Again please make it super easy for us to give you prizes.
Link back to all 6 or more of your ALYoF photos or blog posts.
If we can't verify you're finishes we'll not be able to provide you with a prize.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
We would like to take a moment and thank all of our wonderful sponsors who have stood with us over the years. Their generosity is what has kept this project going all these years!
1. $35 gift certificate from Fat Quarter Shop
FatQuarterShop -
2. Green Fairy Quilts – 3 pdf patterns
3. PDF Pattern from Katy – The Littlest Thistle
The Littlest Thistle -
4. One PDF Pattern from Meadow Mist Designs
Meadow Mist Designs Button
5. PDF Pattern from Persimon Dreams
6. One pdf Pattern from Clover and Violet
7. One Charm pack or $10.00 gift certificate to
Stitches n’ Giggles (winners choice)
8. Sew BitterSweet Designs one pdf pattern
9. One PDF pattern from Sew Sweetness
10. One PDF pattern from Honey, Bunny, and Doll Designs
Honey, Bunny, and Doll
11. Thimblepie’s Quilt Supplies – Custom fabric package, 3 yards plus free shipping anywhere
Thanks again to our sponsors!


  1. Thank you both so much for hosting this great linkup the last few years! It has definitely been a favorite, and a great motivator for me. I am usually reluctant to set quilty goals so this part has been really great. I've also found it to be one of the more social linkups for finishes as well. Thank you!

  2. Can you remove me at #6 - that is just my goal that I met for #13 it shows all of my finishes per your instructions!! Or am I totally confused???

  3. I am so impressed that so many finishes were made in 2015. I hope I can post on your final 2016 with some finishes.

  4. Thank you so much for this great group. I have participated all 3 years. I have gained so much from the process. Goals and projects are not so daunting. I have had to stare down my two sided demon: procrastination and perfectionism. I have made new friends, and I have finished many many projects.

    I have enjoyed being one of your sponsors. Another venture that gave me way more than I put into it. I will continue sponsoring other sewing blogs. If you are interested, just ask! Best wishes to all of you, especially Shauna and Melissa.


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